Results Focused Aviation Training

Crew Resource Management

Human Factors | Stress Resilience

Can You Afford A Catastrophic Loss?

The downside of working with humans is that we sometimes say the wrong things, press the wrong buttons, make the wrong decisions, inadvertently piss people off or suffer from stress. We are human.

Although we may not be able to completely remove human error and stress, we can do our best to minimise it, especially in demanding situations. I know, after 26 years of high-intensity operations in the military, this is a skill that CAN be trained.

Contact me If you want your team to:

  • Stay Calm Under Pressure

  • Improve Situational Awareness

  • Make Informed Decisions

  • Communicate Effectively

  • Manage Stress Better

Reduce Risk | Improve Efficiency

What is CRM, HF and NOTECHS?

Crew Resource Management (CRM)

Optimising the use of all available resources (equipment, people, procedures) by improving communication, problem solving, decision making and leadership (mainly non-technical skills). A way of improving yourself and others in a team for a more effective outcome (improve safety and efficiency).

Human Factors (HF)

The understanding of interactions between humans and elements of a system, with the goal of optimising human well-being and overall system performance. A study into how we work and interact with people and machines.

Non Technical skills (NOTECHS)

The personal characteristics that employees bring to their job that helps them to work efficiently, effectively and safely. NOTECHS include an employee’s abilities, skills, personality and motivation. Each role is unique and so may require a unique set of skills.Over the last few years NOTECHS has become increasingly important in safety critical organisations, such as aviation. They have been used by organisations to help their employees in their day-to-day jobs and in turn help reduce safety incidents.

Humans Are To Blame!!!

Research indicates that 85% of all aviation accidents and serious incidents involve human error, and over 60% of these accidents have human factors as their primary cause.

Which is why the aviation industry mandates Crew Resource Management (CRM) training for flight crew (FC) and cabin crew (CC). Sadly, there have been countless incidents and accidents recorded over the years, but we can examine these to help protect the future. Learn from past mistakes and ultimately not lose your crew mates.

Operating in a safety critical industry can be stressful. Pilots and crew often invest time and effort into learning their operating platforms without figuring out the most important factor... the human! Once you understand how stress, anxiety and fatigue work, you are more equipped to tackle it. Treat your body and mind like your own luxury private jet and discover how to maintain it properly.

My aim is to deliver everything I have discovered in teamwork, human behaviour, mental health, coaching and leadership to companies that want the very best from their people.

I can maximise the standard EASA / CAA / MAA CRM training requirements by including front-line experience and in-depth knowledge or how to deal with constant high stress situations (both in and out of the cockpit). Know your aircraft. Know your team. Know yourself.

Hi, I'm Adam...

I deliver Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training and Human Factors (HF) Facilitation, compliant with CAA, EASA and MAA. After 26 years in the Royal Air Force, working in elite front-line teams that produced results in dangerous situations, I understand how high-performing humans behave and operate. My aim is to bring the very best of CRM, HF, and Mental Resilience training, to others.

My service background started in the Military Police, which gave me a good grounding in standards and discipline. After gaining a PPL, I moved to the Aircrew world, operating as a Rotary Crewman on Puma Helicopters. I discovered a passion for learning and quickly earned several teaching qualifications (AIC, AGI, HAI, HFRI, LPC, QHTI). I completed my time as the Standards Officer (StanO), helping develop and deliver Helicopter A2A Sniping as part of the London 2012 Olympic security team.

In 2013, I moved to Search and Rescue (SAR), adding a range of emergency medical skills to my knowledge and experience. During this time I became a Human Factors Facilitator, delivering training in non-technical skills (how humans think, behave and operate together). The medical world shared a lot in common with aviation in terms of critical decision making and teamwork.

I switched focus in 2017 to the ISTAR world, operating as a Sensor Operator on the Reaper MQ-9 both in the UK and overseas. This allowed me to understand the human impact of operating armed aircraft remotely. At the end of my time on Reaper, I trained to be a Coach, Mentor and NLP practitioner, which led to a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy. I managed a part-time business as a therapist and coach, volunteering my services to Anxiety UK and the Samaritans, deepening my understanding of mental health.

I completed my service at the RAF Mission Aircrew School, as head of Sensor Operator (SO) training. A privileged position, installing the new generation of Aircrew with the confidence and competence to operate on the front line.

I returned to Search and Rescue in 2024, as a front line Helicopter Winch Operator for the UK Coastguard.

You can have the best aircraft, software, equipment and conditions, but it’s your people that count.

Great people and teams are not born great, they require effective training.

If you want me to speak to your team, contact me using the button below:

Certified Trainer | Facilitator | Supervisor

Lincolnshire, LN8 3FT, UK

©2023 Coopers Wellness Ltd

Lincolnshire, LN8 3FT, UK

©2023 Coopers Wellness Ltd